Investing For Retirement

No matter when, where, or how you learn it, investing for retirement is the way to secure an abundant financial future.

In 2023 we have SO MUCH information about investing right at our fingertips! And if you decide to seek it and can trust the source, you too are going to learn and position yourself well for your future.

Yes investing SEEMS complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. I mean most topics feel that way when you are in the early stages of learning, right?

Keep it simple so you don’t get overwhelmed and discouraged. Get the basic concepts down and get going. You can make all kinds of adjustments later as you learn more.

I started with picking various well-known mutual funds because I’ve never been interested in investing in individual stocks. Then years later I learned about S&P 500 index funds which simply follow the overall performance of the market and have low management fees. So easy.

Take it from a former 23-year-old that took a leap of faith based on some stranger in HR explaining what a 401k was. I started sending $100 of my monthly paycheck to my company’s brokerage firm twice a month, not knowing exactly how it all was going to work out.

I learned. I adjusted. I increased. And now I’m just four years away from reaping the rewards of my efforts, commitment, and consistency to this thing called investing!

No matter what your starting point is, this can be you too. And don’t you dare say it’s too late! Every month matters and you have PLENTY of them left. Get started!


My Financial Journey Vision